Why is TyreAid so unique?
Our system is the strongest TPMS for Chassis
Digital ProActive Prevention for Tire Underinflation
What is Digital ProActive Prevention?
TyreAid constantly (24/7) measures for tire pressure underinflation even when chassis are not hooked up with a vehicle, are parked, or stacked in storage.
Constantly measures ambient temperature and compensates for any changes so that the warnings sent will never be "False Positive" because of an ambient temperature drop.
If underinflation occurs, the TyreAid will send a message (text or email) to predetermined recipient(s) giving the chassis number, exact GPS location, and a time and date stamp.
To make sure that you never put a faulty chassis under a container and to eliminate the human error factor, we have three levels of prevention to prevent the chassis from ever entering service before being road-ready.
Message sent to tire repair facility. By doing this when the chassis are not in service it gives the tire repair people an opportunity to repair the tire while no truck is waiting or while there are not any other pressing time sensitive issues
If the tire was not repaired and the chassis is still taken into service, there is a red flash constantly at the end of the failing tire’s axle, so any person (driver, long shore man, or other) would visually see the problem
If no one has taken action at this point, the last line of defense is that we can integrate our low pressure signal (a digital I/O) with most systems having direct contact with the customer or whoever is monitoring the transport/shipment of the container
These features will make sure that the chassis are always road-ready. As an extra benefit to the chassis owner the TyreAid equalizes the pressure in the tires which will typically give a 20% savings in tire wear.
TyreAid is a unique system that prevents problems that TPMS and Inflation systems can't!
A typical TPMS only reports an underinflated tire to the driver after the fact. In order to get even this level of functionality, every truck would need to have a receiver inside the cab and be paired with each chassis, which is next to impossible. This complication is why you don’t see TPMS used with chassis. Another problem is that only the driver would be aware of an issue with the tire pressure, leaving less redundancy and making repairs subject to individual drivers who only have the chassis for a short time.
VS. Inflation
TyreAid recently concluded a year-long field survey to find out why sections of truck tires are cluttering major roadways and breakdown lanes continue increasing in length and frequency. We uncovered an undetectable internal problem caused by inflation systems. These inflation systems have been installed by fleets under the belief that they would control their tire underinflation problems and reduce expensive road service calls, but an underlying problem puts them at greater risk for exactly those issues.
If a tire picks up a nail or other sharp object that penetrates the thread and casing, the penetration creates a slow air leak 90% of the time. During slow leaks, an inflation system will continue to inflate the tire to the proper PSI and there is no reasonable way for the driver or management to know there is a problem. The air inside the tire tries to escape from the casing trough the puncture; the air pressure slowly forces its way into the original penetration point between the casing and re-tread surfaces. The increasing pressure slowly separates the two surfaces and eventually will separate the entire tread from the casing, often causing damage to the equipment and surrounding vehicles on the road (See pictures below).
Tracking and Tire Pressure Monitoring System for Intermodal Use
Some companies have elected to install air inflation systems on their chassis instead of a typical TPMS. Our unique TPMS/Tracking system is packed with patented exclusive features no other TPMS/Tracking or inflation system can offer. The TyreAid is easy to retrofit after market or have installed on new equipment. To make the comparison even easier, all items in blue below are features you will only find on TyreAid.
Our tracking system works in most parts of the world where there is cell phone coverage, but our transmitters are, in some cases, country-specific to match the cell phone network. Please check with us for location information. Tested in USA, Canada, Europe, and Australia.
Our system works in most parts of the world where there is cell phone coverage, but our transmitters are, in some cases, country-specific to match the cell phone network. Please check with us for location information. Tested in USA, Canada, Europe, and Australia.
Continuous air balancing (duals) with continuous pressure monitoring of each tire in one seamless design, introducing a brand-new industry standard
"Three major capabilities rolled into ONE product: Unit tracking, air pressure balancing and monitoring"
“"Triple the value for your fleet"
Designed to be Simple to Use
The TyreAid was designed from the grass roots level. When we started the design, we spent weeks in the field shadowing tire, service, and maintenance personnel, as well as drivers and fleet managers. Our design philosophy was to make the most user-friendly and versatile TPMS/Tracking on the market with a long list of important and exclusive patented features.
Hub mounted Sensor/Transmitter/Equalizer TPMS/Tracking with Continuous Pressure Balancing/Equalizing with continuous pressure monitoring of each tire in one seamless design—TyreAid sets a brand new industry standard. Three major capabilities are rolled into a single product! Did you know that even a small 5 psi difference between the inner and outer wheel pressure will drag the less-pressured tire 13 feet per mile? This can easily add 20-25% to your tire wear and increase fuel consumption. The relative pressure between the tires constantly changes depending on load, uneven road surface, and location of tire (close to hot brakes or cool breeze). This is why we keep the balancing active all the time unless there is a drop in tire pressure to 4 psi below the designated operating pressure, at which point we close the balancing to avoid two low tires if one is punctured.
Ambient Temperature Compensation
We take into consideration the ambient temperature before we send out a low tire warning. This feature is to avoid false warnings, especially on cold mornings when the tire pressure is a little bit low due to the cold conditions. When there is an ambient temperature drop, the tire pressure responds accordingly with about a 2.5 psi increase or decrease for every 10⁰F change, (0.3 bar for 10⁰C). Given such a temperature drop, all other electronic TPMS systems will generate a low tire pressure alert. This is in reality a false alert since as soon as you start driving, the tire pressure rises to normal. We do not send false warnings regardless of temperature—even if it is -40⁰F. Our competitors have resolved this issue by allowing large pressure drops before warning, but our product does not need to sacrifice accuracy to provide this feature. Although some inflation systems may be capable of this, TyreAid is the only TPMS/Tracking to have this feature. Our system measures the ambient temperature compared to the tire temperature. Without this compensation, false alerts would send a signal to the driver and central office and Tire Service Company (if GPS) who all would "write it off" as a false alert due to cold weather when in fact, there could be a seriously underinflated tire but no one would not react since it would perceived as a false alert due to cold weather. Many false alerts and soon no one would react when the pressure is actually low because of "crying wolf" too many times.
Valve stems
All valve stems are standardized and are designed to hold the pressure in the tire and to fill the air in the tire. They are not designed to withstand extra weight caused by hoses or add-on pressure sensing and transmitting valve caps (therefore any valve caps type transmitter has to be extremely light and limits therefore the design to a non-heavy-duty construction with small batteries and limited transmitting ranges). The weakest point of the valve stem is where the threads are at the air inlet. This part cannot be modified since there are standardized threads on the inside for the valve core and the outside. for extension, air inflators etc.
TyreAid Connection to Valve Stem
We use a unique system which starts with a safety valve located at the valve stem. This triple function valve will strengthen the valve stem, prevent air loss in case of a hose failure, and convert the hose connectors to our dual safety connector system which will prevent usage of lesser quality hoses. Our custom hoses are made of Teflon with stainless steel braiding and have a bust pressure of 2,600 psi. 22 million miles and 4 years later, we have never had a hose failure since their introduction.
Fail-safe hose
One of the most important components and often times the “weakest link” for TPMS systems that require external hoses are the air hoses and connectors. We have designed, make, & assemble our own hose and connectors. Using the same material race cars use for brake lines which is a stainless steel braided Teflon hose which can handle the heat and has a burst pressure of 2600 psi (180 bar). Our hoses and connectors are a major strength of the TyreAid system. Our hose & connectors make all the difference in the reliability and durability of this product.
The TyreAid solution incorporates a “safety valve” with triple functionality.
It reinforces the valve stem by a layer of metal around the weakest point of the valve stem.
It has a built-in one-way air restrictor. Air flows in a normal rate while outflow is restricted to about 10 psi (0.7 bar) out in 15 minutes for the average truck tire. If the hose would be damaged, the safety valve would prevent the tire from a rapid air loss.
It Changes the valve stem threads to a larger and more robust thread size which also eliminates use of lesser quality hoses. Only our high-quality hoses and connectors fits the TyreAid
Another issue with any application with air hoses is tightening the hoses. Is finger-tightening really enough? This is a constant question on the tire maintenance personnel's mind. If connectors are too tight the O-rings can rupture after a few changes and, if left too loose, they will leak. This is not an easy task/choice for tire maintenance personnel to make.
The TyreAid solution includes a specially designed connector which has a metal against metal (brass) sealing surface called a JIS-45 design. This ensures that the tire personnel cannot over tighten the sealing o-ring like on standard hoses. However, we built in a redundancy which is a BOSS design in the same fitting where there is an o-ring on the sealing surface which cannot be over tightened but will act as a backup seal in case of any imperfection in the brass connector. This also keeps the threads and connecting surfaces 100% free from dirt particles.
Relocates Pressure Check Points.
When checking pressure in dual tires, you would normally have to uncomfortably kneel on the ground to locate the position of the inner valve stems. We have relocated the check point to the center of the axle hub for ease of access.
Battery and Life
To be able to function with the main power of the vehicle switched either on or off and so as to not interfere with any onboard vehicle systems, our TyreAid has its own power source. Our unique design engages the batteries only if there is an underinflated tire. This gives our batteries a 10-year standby time and the cumulative flash/transmission time is up to 3 months. Changing the battery can be done without disconnecting anything and takes 30 seconds. On top of that, the
cost of a fresh battery is less than $3.00.
We Have 3 Settings for the Receiver Depending on Your Circumstances
Read a particular chassis only
Read a particular chassis only and send remote messages as text or email
Read any low tire within 250 feet. Typical setting for independent trucker towing any chassis. Also used as the default setting for tire technicians doing a yard check or fleet managers who wants to read everything within 250 ft.
No Monthly Charge for Optional Under Inflation GPS Text/Email and Location Service
TyreAid can send a text message to up to 5 cell phones or email addresses, indicating that a specific chassis has an underinflated tire and gives the location of the chassis on Google maps regardless if it’s stacked high in a chassis depot or out on the road. This will also work as a warning if any hose is disconnected with the intention of stealing/swapping the tires. TyreAid makes it easy to check if the chassis is out of route.
No Monthly Charge for Optional Equipment Locator Service
You may sometimes wonder where your chassis is: which yard and exact location, on the road, or perhaps parked in a back alley somewhere. Just log into our website and check where the chassis is located. We update this information 1 – 4 times per day based on customer needs.
No Need for "Pairing" Truck and Trailer. You may use independent truckers to pull your chassis, since they will get the warning in the cab as long as they have a receiver. Our system allows the trucker to swap trailers and the system still works perfectly without any additional procedures required.
Yard Checks
Are your service personnel still thumping tires with bats in 2018? How do you check parked chassis when they are stacked? The TyreAid receiver reads any underinflated tire within 250 ft. This means that the tire technician can have the receiver in his pocket and just walk the parked/stacked fleet. If there is an underinflated tire on ground level or high in the stack, he will get a warning reading "Low Tire" and the approximate distance to the tire. He will then spot the flash of the tire and take proper action. You can easily verify 100 chassis (800 - 1200 tires) in less than 5 minutes.
The remote GPS warning system will more or less eliminate any yard checks since the tire service company will get a message of an underinflated tire right to their dispatcher's desk. The information is normally so accurate that he can even see the location of the chassis in the yard. When the tire technician arrives to the yard he can easily spot the flashing sensor and take the necessary action to fix the problem before the chassis is taken into service.
Low Tire Pressure Warning is Displayed in 5 Ways:
Inside the truck, for the driver to be alerted of a low tire (Both visual & audible alerts) if the truck is outfitted with a Receiver. Inflation systems on the other hand have a light at the corner of the chassis turning on if the inflation is rapid indicating that an unknown tire has an issue. This is the only indication to the driver.
Outside by a flashing LED on axle end for maintenance personnel and driver to identify which tire is underinflated.
The Receiver as a handheld check for tire technicians or fleet managers. Works even when the chassis are parked/stacked and not hooked up to any tow vehicles.
Integrated with an existing GPS tracking system
By our independent text message/email system which gives unit number, time, and exact location.
Quick & Easy to Install & Maintain
Since the system is totally self-contained there is no need to tap into the chassis electrical wiring except for the optional GPS system backup battery. The Radio Frequency signal is so powerful that no repeaters or external antennas needed. The safety valve flow restriction also makes the installation easier and you will not lose any measurable air pressure in the tire during initial installation. It takes 5-10 minutes for installation per tire. Therefore, a chassis with 8 wheels will take between 45-100 minutes to install depending on if the additional backup battery is installed. and if it is done in the service bay with power tools or outside in the parking lot.
There is no complicated programming involved. Our unit works right out of the box, and will be seen by any receiver within 300 ft. However, if the chassis is set up for GPS tracking and tire pressure information, then the receiver should be program to read only that particular chassis. (the un-programmed handheld units will still see all the chassis). This programming takes about 3 seconds per wheel with a simple press of the sensor's test button on the TyreAid device.
Effective Life Expectancy and Warranty
The design life of the TyreAid is minimum 10 years. The design and all materials have been chosen to meet this requirement. Since it’s quick and easy to install (about 5 – 6 min per tire), it can be easily transferred between chassis when the fleet is updated. The TyreAid has a 5-year unlimited mileage warranty and needs virtually no maintenance.