Why is TyreAid so unique?
Our system is the strongest TPMS for RTG/OTR
The System is designed for Rubber Tire Gantry Cranes, Straddle Carriers, Reach Stackers, and Forklifts with large bore valve stems.

RTG/OTR Transmitter

On large bore stem


The right tire pressure will ensure a safe operation and extend the life of tires. Low tire pressure is one of the leading contributors to accidents apart from human error.

Was low tire pressure the reason or at least a contributing factor in these accidents?
We focus on safety while at the same time making sure we maximize the life and efficiency of your tires to get the most out of your investment
TyreAid Transmitter
Installs in minutes over the large bore stem
Tire pressure can be filled with the unit in place
Ambient Temperature Compensation . We take into consideration the ambient temperature before we send out a low tire warning. This feature is to avoid false warnings, especially on cold mornings when the tire pressure is a little bit low due to the cold conditions. When there is an ambient temperature drop, the tire pressure responds accordingly with about a 2.5 psi increase or decrease for every 10⁰F change, (0.3 bar for 10⁰C). Given such a temperature drop, all other electronic TPMS systems will generate a low tire pressure alert. This is in reality a false alert since as soon as you start driving, the tire pressure rises to normal. We do not send false warnings regardless of temperature—even if it is -40⁰F. Our competitors have resolved this issue by allowing large pressure drops before warning, but our product does not need to sacrifice accuracy to provide this feature. Although some inflation systems may be capable of this, TyreAid is the only TPMS/Tracking to have this feature. Our system measures the ambient temperature compared to the tire temperature. Without this compensation, false alerts would send a signal to the driver and central office and Tire Service Company (if GPS) who all would "write it off" as a false alert due to cold weather when in fact, there could be a seriously underinflated tire but no one would not react since it would perceived as a false alert due to cold weather. Many false alerts and soon no one would react when the pressure is actually low because of "crying wolf" too many times.
The remote GPS warning system will more or less eliminate any yard checks since the tire service company will get a message of an underinflated tire right to their dispatcher's desk. The information is normally so accurate that he can even see the location of the chassis in the yard. When the tire technician arrives to the yard he can easily spot the flashing sensor and take the necessary action to fix the problem before the chassis is taken into service.
No need to check tire pressures unless the warning comes on
Monitors each tire separately
Can be transferred from one tire/rim combination to another in a few seconds
TyreAid Receiver
Shows a warning with text "Low Tire" on the display and audibly beeps inside the cab while activating a flashing red LED light on the transmitter
The in-cab receiver is programmed to only reads this unit so there is no cross contamination from other OTR units operating in the yard
Supervisor or yard check guy has a battery powered, hands-free receiver unit in his pocket which reads all OTR units within 270 feet. A beep in the pocket will indicate a low tire and guide you to the tire.
The Tire Service Company gets an immediate warning to their dispatcher if the No Monthly Charge Optional Under Inflation GPS Text/Email and Location Service is activated.. TyreAid can send a text message to up to 5 cell phones or email addresses, indicating that a specific unit has an underinflated tire and gives the location of the unit on Google maps. This feature helps the tire service companies and eliminates the routine yard checks It may also be good if you lease out equipment knowing how the tire pressures are maintained
Our tracking system works in most parts of the world where there is cell phone coverage, but our transmitters are, in some cases, country-specific to match the cell phone network. Please check with us for location information. Tested in USA, Canada, Europe, and Australia.
TyreAid Overall Features
Radio signal between wheels and receiver (no wiring needed). The only wiring this installation requires is 12/24 v inside the cab for the receiver/display.
Transmitter has Independent power source (batteries) which means it is always on, measuring pressure even if the master switch is off.
Transmitter uses batteries ONLY if there is an underinflated tire.
To be able to function with the main power of the vehicle switched either on or off and so as to not interfere with any onboard vehicle systems, our TyreAid has its own power source. Our unique design engages the batteries only if there is an underinflated tire. This gives our batteries a 10-year standby time and the cumulative flash/transmission time is up to 3 months. Changing the battery can be done without disconnecting anything and takes 30 seconds. On top of that, the cost of a fresh battery is less than $3.00.
No Monthly Charge for Optional Equipment Locator Service You may sometimes wonder where your unit is: which yard and exact location, on the road, or perhaps parked in a back alley somewhere. Just log into our website and check where the chassis is located. We update this information 1 – 4 times per day based on customer needs.
Designed to withstand the harshest harbor and off-road conditions both physically and environmentally.
Each unit is individually tested for functionality, leaks, and range before the unique serial number is issued.
TyreAid has a minimum 10-year design life of every component down to the smallest o-ring and gold-plated contact surfaces. We give it a 5-year unlimited warranty.